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Applications are now closed

FEBS has awarded 20 bursaries (€25 each) to help early-career researchers participate in the "Joint IUBMB/FEBS/UMinho Symposium on Evidence Based Teaching in Your Biomolecular Classroom: Catalysing Student Engagement”.
FEBS bursaries will cover only the registration fee since no additional expenses are required in an online event.

Applications deadline: November 3, 2021


FEBS bursary applicants must:

  • Be a registered PhD student or a postdoctoral scientist within 5 years of having received a PhD or a faculty member under 40s

  • Work at an institution of higher education in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society

  • Be a member of a FEBS Constituent Society


How to apply

Applications for a FEBS bursary must be made by email to Vítor Costa (, sending the following documents as a single pdf file:

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Letter of Motivation (explain why you would benefit from attending the Symposium; max 300 words)

  • Proof of Status (PhD student or postdoctoral scientist within 5 years of having received a PhD or a faculty member under 40s)

  • Proof of current FEBS Constituent Society membership (membership certificate or letter from your FEBS Constituent Society)


Assessment and notification

Applications to FEBS bursaries will be assessed by the Organizing Committee. The outcome of the bursary application will be notified via e-mail by November 10, 2021.

Applicants awarded a FEBS bursary must complete their registration online through the Symposium registration system by November 15. Contact us to inform you were awarded a bursary so that we can process your registration.

Unsuccessful bursary candidates must also complete their registration order, including proof of payment of the registration fee, by November 17.

FEBS bursaries to early-career scientists: About

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